Introduction: Aurangabad is an historical city with rapid rate of urbanization and industrialization. There is increase demand for public transport facilities. In Aurangabad city most popular mode of transport is by sharing auto rickshaw,that aggravates environmental pollution. Automobile exhaust affects different body system functions. Present study was under taken to assess respiratory health in auto rickshaw drivers of Aurangabad. Method: A total of 55 auto drivers formed study group and 55 non smoker employees of the college formed control group in age group of 25- 45 years, who have satisfied inclusion and exclusion criteria and have consented to participate in study were enrolled. Each enrolled subjects height, weight was recorded and evaluation of lung function test was done using electronic spirometery. Result: There was significant decline in lung functions in auto rickshaw drivers as compare to control group. We can conclude that there is adverse effect of vehicle exhaust on lung functions leading to obstructive type of lung disease and which can be reduced by adequate interventions taken. (Improvement in caloric consumption and nutritional intake, physical exercise, change in type of auto rickshaws)