Secure File Transmission Using Key Encryption

Research Article
Satish Kumar ., Ravi Shekhar., Sagar Kar Choudhury., Rosh Kumar and Rishabh K
Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, IT, Encryption

To get reliable, customized and quality of service guarantee, a computing paradigm like cloud computing should be used in Computation environments. It not only provide over whelming storage capacity for data but also faster computing to business customers over the internet. As a result of virtualization, global duplication and migration, the lack of data in the cloud, the stored data in the cloud and the computed results may not be properly managed and completely trusted by the cloud tenants. A lot of preceding work on the cloud security focuses on computation security rather than taking the security with respect to storage into consideration. In this paper, a proposal is made to secure file uploaded by individual. The detailed analysis of the method through the algorithm is discussed in the paper. Additional experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and performance of the used 128-bit encryption algorithm.