The sex ratio is generally defined as the number of females per thousand males. Sex ratio is an index of socio-economic conditions, revealing in an area and is useful tool for regional analysis. The sex ratio is large variation from one district to another district in Maharashtra State. According to Census of the India, the general sex ratio in Maharashtra state has increased from 922 to 925, showing an incremental of three females per thousand males during 2001 to 2011. In the state, the child sex ratio in the Maharashtra has experienced a declining trend from 913 in 2001 to 894 in 2011.The present study reveals that the sex ratio of Pune District during 1981 - 2011. The study of Pune District has experienced a decrease in general sex ratio of 937 to 915 during 1981 to 2011. While the child sex ratio has declining from 950 in 1981 to 883 in 2011, due to son preference and neglect of the girl child resulting in higher mortality at younger age. The aim of the research work is to identifying spatio-temporal variation in sex ratio of Pune district with the help of decennial census report of the Government of India and investigates the current trends of sex ratio.