Studies On Phytochemical Analysis And Identification Of Zooplankton In Ramarkulam And Vilavinarkulam Ponds, Kanyakumari District

Research Article
Amutha S., Agneswari S and Nandhini N
Ramarkulam, Vilavinarkulam, Protozoa, Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda

Zooplankton were the microscopic animals present in the water bodies. They play a major role in food chain of any ecosystem. The study was carried out in two ponds, namely Ramarkulam and Vilavinarkulam of Agasteeswaram Taluk for a period of six months from September 2017 to February 2018. The physcio-chemical parameters such as air and water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved CO2 (DCO2), chloride, alkalinity and salinity were measured. From the present study, 25 species of zooplanktonic fauna were encountered from Ramarkulam pond. Out of 25 species of zooplankton, 2 species belonged to Protozoa, 13 species to Rotifera, 5 species to Cladocera and 5 species to Copepoda. A total of 29 species were found from Vilavinarkulam pond. Out of 29 species of zooplankton, 2 species belonged to Protozoa, 14 species of Rotifera, 8 species Cladocera, 4 species Copepoda and only 1 species of Ostracoda were found. As the productivity of zooplankton was good, it could be continuously utilized for aquaculture if proper water quality management measures were adopted.