The research study titled “A study to assess the Knowledge Regarding Readiness of Toddler for Toilet Training among Mothers in the selected Rural areas at Moradabad District’’ was based on the objectives, to assess the knowledge regarding readiness of toddler for toilet training among mothers in the selected rural area of Moradabad district, to find out the association between the knowledge regarding readiness of toddler for toilet training among mothers and with their selected demographic variables. A quantitative (Non- Experimental) approach was applied and convenient sampling technique was used to select the sampling. Majority of (36%) mothers were between the age group of 20-25 years, 53% were male child, 36% were having three children, only 28% of mothers were graduate, 67% mothers were housewives, 65% mothers from nuclear family, 30% of families were having family income above Rs10, 000, and 33% mothers had information from community health worker. The finding of the study revealed that fewer 9% mothers having adequate knowledge and 34% had inadequate knowledge and majority 57% of mother had moderate knowledge. It was found that the knowledge of mothers regarding toilet training was moderately adequate with a mean and mean percentage score of 13.21 and 52% respectively whereas Standard Deviation was 4.03.Itproved that the maximum level of knowledge regarding readiness of toddlers for toilet training among mothers is moderately adequate. It is also found that the significance of association between knowledge levels of mothers with selected demographic variables at 0.05 level of significance and thereis no significant association between knowledge levels of mothers with selected demographic variables except mother ‘s education and source of information.