A Study Of Burden, Risk Factors And Modality Of Management Of Hernia In South India

Research Article
Jayalal J A., Bagavadand Selwyn J Kumar
Hernia, Congenital, recurrent, inguinal.

Hernia occurs in human being on varying etiology and impose heavy physical and economic burden for the individual. Congenital failure of obliteration of processusvaginalis to acquired weakness of the wall cause hernia. It occurs most commonly in the inguinal region but also seen in Femoral, Obtruator, Lumbar, Ventral regions. This study was intended to understand the pattern of occurrence of disease, the risk factors involved and various treatment modalities offered. This retrospective study was carried out at Department of General Surgery Kanyakumari Government Medical College including all patients admitted with Hernia from 2011January 1st to 2016 August 31st, covering 1000 patients. 52.4% were of the age group 30-60years and 78.3% of Hernias were Inguinal Hernia. Among the inguinal Hernia 53.6 were Right side and 33 were Left side and 8% Bilateral. Male and Female ratio is 85:15.91% were primary Hernia and9% were Recurrent Hernia. Most of the patients had co-morbid condition 42% COPD, 30% Diabetes, 35% Alcoholic, 32% smokers. 92% patients had undergone open Hernia surgical repair and in this 81% with mesh repair. 8% patient had laparoscopic Hernia Repair