This quantitative study to approach the current state of soil disinfection use in understanding the mechanisms and list of the used products via a duly defined questionnaire. The various answers of approached farmers, following surveys in the region of Gharb-Loukkos and Souss-Massa respectively, main areas for strawberries and tomatoes crops, have shown that chemical disinfection is almost universal in both regions (respectively 97% and 98%) and using mainly Metam sodium and Dichloropropene 95% to 70%. The farmers percentage intending using alternatives to chemical disinfection, in the region of Souss Massa (solarization, composts, plant extracts and micro- organisms, especially green organic matter) is 73% while it is only 7% in the region of Gharb and Loukkos. Actually, there is no pressing interest for organic disinfection, only 73% of farmers in the region of Souss Massa think about this issue while those of Gharb-Loukkos do not even know. Thus, the adopted alternative product is Dazitol at 47% in Souss Massa area. 80% of farmers in the Souss- Massa and all those of Gharb and Loukkos are willing to pay the organic product at a price equal to the chemical one.