Chikodi: is located at 16.25° N 74.34° E. It has an average elevation of 760 meters. Zooplankton sample were Collected by sieving 60 litres of water through plankton hand net made of nylon bolting10th (68 cm poresize) for quantitative estimation. In the samples of Chikodi Tank total of 33 species were identified in the present investigation. Of which 13 are belonging to Rotifera, 10 to cladocera, 7 to copepada & 3 species to ostracoda.They are cladocera like Diphonosoma exisom, Ceriodaphnia cornuta , Bosminopsis deitersi, Macrothrix goeldi,Moina Brachiata, Monia Macrocopa, Alona Cambouei, Alona Pulchela, Chydorus Spaericus, Chydorus reticulates, Copepods: like Rhinediaptomus indicus, Heliodiaptomus Viduus, Neodicaptomus Stringilips, Paracyclops fibriatus, Tropocyclops Prasinus Mescocyclops leuckartii, Copepods larvae Rotifers: like Brachionus Caudaus, Brachionus Plicatilis, Brachionus Calycirus , Brachionus falcatus, Brachionus bidentata, Brachionus ureolaris, Keratella tropica, K. Cochlearis, Monostyla bulla, Filinia longiseta and Ostracodans: like Hyocypriis gibba, Darwinula Species were quantitatively estimated.The highest Rotiferan densities were recorded in Chikodi Tank in Marcm 2010. Lower number of cladocers was recorded in Chikodi tank. This is due to lack of Macrophytes 2 plants. High copepodal densities were recorded in the Tank throughout study period due to the lower water level & high nutrient content in summer. In survey during post mansoon season, H. fossucula was the most frequent ostracodan,