Aeromycoflora over Ocimum sanctum plant was studied for one year. It was observed that fungal population was vary from season to season and month to month. Environmental factor play an important role for the distribution of the fungal spores. Total 17762 fungal spores were observed. 17315 air spores of 43 fungal types were observed over the field. Out of 43 fungal types 1 from Myxomycotina. 3 from zygomycotina, 10 from Ascomycotina, 2 from Basidiomycotina and 27 from Deuteromycotina were observed. Total 447 colonies of 33 fungal species belonging to 18 genera of fungi were isolated from the leaf surface mycoflora during the present investigation period. Out of 33 fungal species 01 from zygomycotina, 11 from ascomycotina, 19 from deuteromycotina and 02 from mycelia sterila.