Past Issue

Past Issue

A rare case of cystic lesions of jaw (odontogenic keratocystic lesions) - gorlin goltz syndrome

Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant inherited disorder identified by the presence  of multiple odontogenic keratocysts, alongside a range of cutaneous, dental, osseous, ophthalmic, genital and neurological abnormalities. Prompt diagnosis is crucial as it can advance to aggressive basal cell carcinomas and neoplasias. Instances of Gorlin-Goltz syndrome in India are rare. Timely diagnosis and intervention play a critical role in mitigating the severity of long-term complications associated with this syndrome.(1)

A rare case of paratesticular angiofibroma

Cellular angiofibroma, also referred to as angiomyofibroblastoma-like tumor, is a rare type of extratesticular mesenchymal tumor found in the scrotum and perineum. Initially identified predominantly in women's vulva, perineum, and pelvic region, it represents a distinct entity within this spectrum of tumors. Angiofibroma in male population is very rare. We hereby present the case of a 48 year old male patient with gradually progressive, painless swelling in the right scrotum, where USG and MR revealed paratesticular mass.

Role of global trigger tool in tracking adverse drug reactions in tertiary care hospital

An adverse drug reaction (ADR) is a response that is noticeably unpleasant or damaging as a result of using a medication, and the Global Trigger Tool is used to efficiently identify these types of events. The Global Trigger Tool was used in this study to measure the prevalence of ADRs and evaluate the effectiveness of trigger mechanisms for their identification. Over five months, 300 randomly selected inpatient files were included in a retrospective observational study. Following these files went through to trigger identification, 116 (38.67%) of them included triggers.

Drug discovery and toxicity prediction

Drug discovery, a pivotal aspect of pharmaceutical research, involves the identification and development of new therapeutic compounds. However, the process is hampered by challenges such as the labour- intensive nature of screening vast chemical libraries and the need to predict potential toxicity accurately. Common issues include limited labelled toxicity data, the complexity of molecular structures, and the time-consuming nature of experimental validation.

Evolution of phosphate binders in ckd patients on hemodialysis

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients on hemodialysis often struggle with hyperphosphatemia, a condition that significantly increases cardiovascular disease risk and mortality. Phosphate binders, taken orally with dietary phosphate restrictions, are key in managing elevated serum phosphate levels. Traditional binders include calcium-based and aluminum-based options, while newer alternatives are non-calcium-based binders such as sevelamer, lanthanum, and iron-based agents like ferric citrate.

Prediction of gully erosion susceptibility mapping using xgboosting machine learning algorithm

Gully erosion presents a significant threat to the environment, putting agriculture, wildlife habitats, human safety, infrastructure, and soil health at risk. Mapping areas vulnerable to gully erosion accurately demands selecting the right machine learning model, given the varied environmental factors influencing gully formation.

A Validated RP-HPLC Method Development for the Estimation of Triamcinolone Acetonide Tablet and Injection

In the present work is to established simple, accurate, rapid and validated (as per ICH) RP-HPLC method developed for the quantification of Triamcinolone acetonide tablet and injection. In RP-HPLC method the column used was Phenomenex Luna C18, Column (250 mm x 4.6 mm id; 5 µm particle size) and the mobile phase was composed of Acetonitrile: 0.05M Phosphate buffer pH adjusted to 6.8 using NaOH with 0.1% of Triethylamine (55:45 v/v) with flow rate 1ml/min. Eluents were monitored by UV detector at 238 nm.

“Breaking barriers and building empires” the incredible women entrepreneurs of india

Entrepreneurship is the act of creating, directing and managing a business or economic activity with the objective of profitability. This often involves taking risks and investing time, energy and resources to develop an idea or project. Entrepreneurs are innovative, creative and motivated people irrespective of caste, religion or gender, who seek to add value to society and realize their professional aspiration. Entrepreneurs often require financial resources to start or grow their businesses. This may involve securing funding from investors, banks, or other sources.

A critical appraisal of panchmahabhut siddhant and its practical application in vyadhishaman

The basic goal of Ayurveda is to keep a healthy person well and shield them from illness.The concept of Panchamahabhuta (five elements) is one of the basic fundamental principle of ayurveda science. It acknowledges that the universe is composed of five fundamental components, i.e Aakaash, Vayu, Agni, Prithvi, Jala 1. Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala are the primary causative factors responsible for maintaining health and treating diseases, and they too are considered Panchabhautika.