In this article we consider changes in the immune system at different stages of burn disease - in acute burn shock, acute burn toxemia and septic burn. Alternative changes revealed - hyper-activation of the immune system and simultaneous development of various indicators of immunodeficiency, which was more pronounced at higher volume of thermal injury. The use of immunosupportive therapy with Ig (> 99% monomeric IgG with disintegrated structure [Russia]) for treatment of septic complications of burns and prevention of sepsis, graded patient's hyper-activation and immunodeficiency, restoring not only the shortage of IgG, but also a strong immunosupportive effect, providing more rapid relief of leukocytosis with left shift, reduction of hyper-activation immune markers, elimination of lymphocyte deficiency, IgG, B-cells and T-L, natural killer cells, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. According to the clinical and laboratory data gabriglobin efficiency in the treatment of sepsis: 79% (without gabriglobin- 32%), with its prevention - 72% (without gabriglobin - 37%). Mortality in the treatment of sepsis - 37.5%, with conventional therapy - 46%
Changes In The Immune System Depending On The Stage Ofburn Disease And The Area Of Thermal Destruction.Immunoglobin Replacement Therapy With Gabriglobin
Research Article
Burns; Biomarkers; Immune Diagnostics; Treatment and Prevention of Sepsis, IgG immunotherapy