Venom produced by the animals consist indispensable multifarious concoction of peptides and proteins. The venom of catfish (Plotosidae) is unintentional for the pharmacological expediency in India and constrainedly considered in foreign countries. Fish themselves make available in the order of 1% (22204.8 tones) in the total marine landing in India, for the most part of them are catfish and to avert accidents after catching the catfish plotosidae, sting were broken and flung into the water by fishermen. The ease of use of catfish plotosidae is more in the parangipettai coast with the top figure of three species traced from Feb 2012 to April 2012. Studying the pharmacological effect of catfish venom makes worthwhile for developing imminent drug candidate for the diseases like cancer, neuromuscular, hematological and cardiovascular systems. In these studies the characteristic organisms of the chordate fauna of the Bay of Bengal and the ecological attributes are discussed.