The background of this research is based on the problem of employee’s role in PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) in relation with work satisfaction to each individu. The problem of this conflict happened when the employee unable to balance between the role in his family and work. If the person unable to balance his role, then it will effect on the result of their satisfaction, especially work satisfaction. The purpose of this research is to seek the effect or work-family conflict to the work satisfaction of employees in PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero). This research use the method of data collection with psychology scale which arranged based on Likert scale model. The technique used is by give the questionnaire to be answered by the respondent, then the result of score can be obtained. This research is done to 75 subject, that consist of 30 women employees and 45 man employees. The result of this research, there is no significant effect between work family conflict with the work satisfaction to employees of PT. Jasa Raharja using the T-Test. Obtained F in the scale of WorkFamily Conflict = 2,468 dan F in the scale of Work Satisfaction= 0,338. P in the scale of family conflict is 0,294 (p>0,05) and in the scale of Work Satisfaction is 0,129 (p>0,05)